How to Log Out of Prime Video on TV


Prime Video is a popular streaming service offered by Amazon that allows users to watch a wide range of movies, TV shows, and original content. If you have been using the Prime Video app on your TV and want to log out for security reasons or to switch to a different Amazon account, this article will guide you through the process.

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. Using the Remote Control:
    • Press the “Menu” or “Home” button on your TV remote control to access the main menu.
    • Navigate to the Prime Video app and select it.
    • You will be prompted with the Prime Video login screen. Navigate to the options and select “Sign Out”, “Log Out”, or a similar option.
  2. Using the Settings Menu:
    • Press the “Menu” or “Settings” button on your TV remote control to open the settings menu.
    • Navigate to the “Applications”, “Apps”, or “Manage Installed Apps” section.
    • Find and select the Prime Video app from the list.
    • Choose the option to log out or sign out of the app.
  3. Clearing App Data:
    • If logging out from the Prime Video app using the above methods doesn’t work, you can try clearing the app data.
    • Go to your TV’s settings menu.
    • Navigate to the “Applications”, “Apps”, or “Manage Installed Apps” section.
    • Locate the Prime Video app and select it.
    • Select the option to “Clear Data” or “Delete Data”. This will remove all app data, including your login information.
    • After clearing the data, reopen the Prime Video app, and you should be signed out.

Closing Thoughts:

Logging out of Prime Video on your TV is important to protect your account from unauthorized access. By following the steps mentioned above, you can easily sign out of the app and ensure the safety of your personal information. Remember to log in using the correct credentials when you want to access Prime Video again.

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